Customer Service Trends & Insights



In the fast-paced realm of customer experience (CX), navigating the currents of change requires more than just a compass. Professionals must stay ahead of trends

User Engagement


Mobile app developers and marketers encounter various challenges along the way of making their app go viral. Increasing user acquisition rates, improving user experience, and working on

User Engagement


A community is a group of people who share the same interests, purposes, and pain points. An online community is a place where such people can interact

Mobile Apps


When it comes to apps, you either become a part of your user’s break time or you lose them in just 3 months from the

User Acquisition


The app market is getting more crowded with various apps trying to stand out among numerous competitors. In most cases, this leaves you with no

User Acquisition


The term “hyper-casual games” was introduced only a couple of years ago. According to Google Trends, it first appeared as a search term in February

UncategorizedUser Retention


The daily life of a modern person has smoothly flowed into a small device. Today we increasingly use smartphones to communicate with friends, listen to

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