Customer Service Trends & Insights



In the fast-paced realm of customer experience (CX), navigating the currents of change requires more than just a compass. Professionals must stay ahead of trends

GamingGeneralMobile Support


Exceeding player expectations when it comes to customer service is far easier said than done. It’s oftentimes difficult to understand the request, let alone adequately



Congratulations, you have a lot of support tickets! Tons of users asking for help with your mobile app is a complicated feeling. It’s a sign

GeneralOperational EfficiencyThe Future of Customer Service


An effective customer service strategy needs to keep these three criteria at its core: Ease Efficiency Emotion If your support is easy to access, efficiently



Proactive engagement is an essential part of the customer experience. Reaching out to customers at just the right moment can make them feel appreciated, drive

UncategorizedGeneralMobile SupportOperational Efficiency


IDC has estimated that 50 percent of retailers have adopted a retail omnichannel commerce platform by now. Doing so has benefitted them on the revenue

GeneralMobile SupportOperational EfficiencyThe Future of Customer Service


More than a decade ago, live chat emerged as a key customer service channel and proved to be a game changer for B2C brands. When

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