Guide Your Customers to Solutions with Ease

Elevate your support experience with Helpshift’s Guided Experience. Seamlessly guide users to the answers they seek, combining intuitive AI with a personal touch for a superior service journey.

Guided Experience - Hero

Intent AI

Guided Journey Starts with Understanding

Helpshift’s Guided Experience boasts a 95% intent detection rate, ensuring precise understanding of customer queries from the start. This paves the way for efficient, personalized support paths that begin with unmatched clarity. Our AI automatically enriches requests by intent, sentiment and language, ensuring faster routing and resolution.

Multi-lingual AI intent detection

Break down language barriers and understand customers globally.

Intuitive Intent Menus

Empower your customers with self-service options via pre-built Intent Menus. Browse common issue categories and find solutions quickly, reducing support load.

Industry-Specific Expertise

Pre-trained to understand the nuances of your industry’s top issues, Smart Intents deliver accurate classifications from the get-go.

AI Chatbots

Guiding Customers, Providing Immediate Assistance

With Helpshift’s AI Chatbots, customers are guided through issue resolution with personalized, real-time support.

Instant Support Round the Clock

Helpshift’s AI Chatbots are on standby 24/7, ensuring customers receive immediate, real-time assistance whenever they reach out.

Personalized Problem Solving

Tailored responses guide customers through resolving their specific issues, making every interaction personal and effective.

Efficient Issue Navigation

The chatbots expertly steer customers towards quick solutions, significantly reducing resolution times and enhancing user satisfaction.

Empowering Agents

Human Touch in the Guided Journey

Even in an AI-driven setup, nothing replaces the warmth and nuance of human interaction — and we understand that. Helpshift’s Guided Experience seamlessly integrates human assistance when it counts the most, making sure your customers receive personal care and attention.

Proactive and Informed Interactions

Agents dive into action with complete context and understanding of the customer issue from the start.

Enhancing Agent Efficiency

By handling initial customer contact, our AI frees up the agents to focus on more complex issues.

Increases Satisfaction

With context-rich assistance, agents deliver fast and accurate solutions, elevating customer satisfaction and fostering trust and loyalty.

Helpshift’s customers automate between 50-90%

Helpshifts customers automate

Results from automation

CSAT unaffected despite 90%
tickets automated in some capacity

Time to resolution for issues involving bots and agents improved by 50%
Customers receive an instant response from bots instead. of waiting up to 10 hours for an agent


Guided Experience Journey

Deep Dive Questions

Helpshift's AI initiates a dialogue, asking insightful follow-up questions to understand the user’s issue in depth.

Guided Path to Resolution

With each response, the AI refines its suggestions, mapping a targeted pathway designed to resolve the user's specific challenges.

Seamless Escalation with Full Context

Should complexities arise, a smooth hand-off to human support occurs, armed with the contextual insights needed for a swift and personalized resolution.

Human Support Agents

Augment Your Customer Support with Our Expert Agents

Our professional customer support agents are available 24/7 to provide world-class assistance, designed specifically for businesses that want to deliver unparalleled customer satisfaction and efficiency.

Augment Your Customer Support

Unparalleled Global Coverage

Delivering personalized and respectful support in over 150 languages across all time zones.

Always-on Availability

Guarantee uninterrupted service with our dedicated team available 24/7, all year round.

Seamless Brand Integration

Our agents resonate your brand voice, offering an authentic and consistent experience to your customers.

Scalability that Matches Your Growth

Expand and adapt customer support in tandem with your business needs and aspirations.

Customer Success Stories

Discover how our customers have benefited from the Self Help Experience


Our Zendesk ticket deflection rate peaked at 10%, and when agents reviewed bot-handled tickets out of curiosity, the success rate was below 50%. It took them twice as long to fix the bot’s accuracy, leading us to deactivate it. Helpshift offered intuitive tools, and even without a technical background, building and adjusting key features was very straightforward, enabling us to reach a 77% automation rate. The Helpshift Quick Search bot alone resolved 10% of basic player queries.

Vlad Oboronko

Player Support Lead at SYBO


If there is still a need for the user to submit a support ticket, Smart Intents helps categorize the issue and route it to the correct bot or agent. In the system, reports can be reviewed to ensure the effectiveness of Smart Intents and selections can be made based on the business or support team’s needs. 75% of all Social Quantum tickets are started with Smart Intents. We are now able to understand most of the issues incoming and provide fast solutions for the issue

Korzhevsky Gennadiy

Head of Player Support at Social Quantum


Partnering with an all-in-one solution with combined expertise in both personnel and tools offers significant benefits. It streamlines operations by eliminating the need to coordinate with multiple vendors, ensuring consistency across platforms, and reducing overall costs. The true power of having the services and the technology under one roof lies in the ability to consult with Helpshift and Keywords on automation strategy and best practices, helping us with change management, and the challenges of scaling rapidly whilst maintaining cost efficiency.

Vlad Oboronko

Player Support Lead at SYBO

Discover How Guided Experience Accelerates Resolutions

See firsthand how our innovative blend of AI-driven support and human insight accelerates issue resolution, ensuring your customers receive prompt, accurate, and personalized assistance.

Discover How Guided Experience Accelerates Resolutions​